Submission of the notice of the Competition to the Publications Office of the European Union
10 November 2017
Announcement of these Rules and Regulations and the complete Competition guidelines and materials necessary for the design process in the Competition website
11 December 2017
Submission of inquiries concerning clarification of the content of the Competition Rules and Regulations relating to the participation requirements
by 22 December 2017
Publication of the answers to the inquiries relating to the participation requirements on the website
28 December 2017
Deadline for submission of Competition admission applications
by 19 January 2018
Announcement of the results of the qualification to participate in Stage I of the Competition on the basis of the Competition admission applications
I etap
by 2 February 2018
Submission of inquiries to clarify the content of the Rules and Regulations relating to the development and submission of Conceptual Designs and Competition Entries
by 16 February 2018
Answers to the inquiries from the Participants of STAGE I of the Competition
by 23 March 2018
Submission of Conceptual Designs (Stage I of the Competition)
13 April 2018
Decision to admit Participants to STAGE II of the Competition, call for Competition entries for STAGE II of the Competition to the Participants eligible for further participation in the Competition
II etap
by 20 April 2018
Provision of the Competition recommendations posterior to Stage I to the Participants eligible for further participation in the Competition
7 May 2018
Submission of inquiries to clarify the content of the Rules and Regulations relating to development and submission of Competition Entries
by 18 May 2018
Provision of the answers to the inquiries of the Participants of Stage II of the Competition
by 15 June 2018
Submission of Competition entries for Stage II of the Competition